Hi. I know I've gone missing, but you all can cancel any ransoms you might have promised. I've escaped momentarily from the craziness of life and will do my best to be better about updating this thing as we go along on our journey.
As it is, though, this post is better suited to talk about those that, as Andy aptly put, will have the best seats in the house at our wedding. Four of them are from my family of origin; both sets of my grandparents passed away when I was young. I was closest to my maternal grandmother, whom we (the kids) nicknamed "Dean" (I still have no idea why - but, quite cleverly, her full name then became Dean Martin... sweet!). I had thought until about a year ago that I was around 7 years old when she died, but after visiting her grave realized I had been only four. Its strange how vivid memories can be from such a young age. I remember coloring with her (stay inside the lines!), I remember watching Golden Girls with her sitting on the edge of her bed, I remember sitting at the kitchen table putting rollers in her hair. I remember her at our house on Christmas morning (I think thats the year I got my big plastic kitchen from "Santa") making cookies for the family. My memories of her from so long ago give me comfort today for Kinley (and maybe even Avery)... I hope they'll be able to guard those few precious memories of their great-grandfather and what a wonderful man he was.
I don't have many memories of my paternal grandparents, and my maternal grandfather died before I was born. Though my time with my own grandparents was short, I was incredibly blessed to be enveloped into a great relationship with Andy's living grandparents. When I was younger I did the obligatory dreaming about my future husband, but I can say I never gave a thought to the second family I would gain when I married. And now, I often wonder how it is that I got so lucky to stumble into such love (all the way around - parents AND grandparents - not to mention the future husband himself). Though I didn't get much time with Andy's Papaw, that time was sweet. I was aways met at the door with a hug and and a smile, with kind words, sweet stories, jokes and laughter soon to follow.
I spent a lot of time awake by myself last night, as I've been on a night shift at school and have adjusted somewhat to that schedule. I have so many great memories, which funnel themselves into thoughts about the fleeting nature of time on earth and my abundant gratitude to the God whose seen fit to bless me beyond measure. You see, by any doctor's estimation, I shouldn't have even had the privilege of meeting Andy's grandfather. He had been battling prostate cancer for 18 plus years; near the onset of that fight he was given an 18 month survival prognosis. That is not to mention the plant accident he was involved in when his two children were young that nearly claimed his life. Not only did I get to meet him, I got to love him. And for that I am thankful.
Bearing witness to the passing of a wonderful person gets you to thinking about all of the other wonderful people in your life. So, I send my heart to my mom, whose endless guidance and love has made me who I am; to my dad and Doug who contribute botomless support, love, and hugs(Doug); to aunt Nita & uncle John who I am ever-thankful for as you conquer your own health struggles; to my cousins with whom I've shared countless good times and look forward to those ahead (I even love you for those times I got blamed for the stuff you did at my house, ha!); to my stepbrothers who can make me laugh and push my buttons all in the same sentence (but in good humor, of course); to all of Andy's family who have welcomed, loved, and supported me for years already - I'm so glad and proud to call you family!; to all of my friends without whom I simply could not make life work (there truly aren't words for how fantastic each of you is); and lastly, to my love... you have made my life more beautiful, more rich, and I look forward to experiencing all that life has for us, together. May we experience a love like theirs.
Were a star quenched on high,
For ages would its light,
Still travelling downward from the sky,
Shine on our mortal sight.
When a good man dies,
For years beyond his ken,
The light he leaves behind him shines
Along the path of men.
--Alexander Russell Main
Cheers, in celebration of wonderful lives lived to the fullest. If you're reading this, know that you are loved this day & always!
To Dean, Maxine, Charles, Sonny, Papaw, and Mr. & Mrs. Knight: we miss you and love you, and the best seats in the house will always bear your name.