... the National Board exam (NAVLE)! And I'm still alive! It was a little touch and go there for a minute, but I made it out with a very tiny piece of sanity left intact.
As I'm sure all of our loyal readers have noticed I've been slacking in the wedding-planning lately. Studying took its toll. My vacation from school is upcoming, though (1 more week) so I'm hoping to make some sort of progress at that time.
I received my invitation in the mail to my dear friend Kellie's wedding today - so excited! There is so much change ahead for all of us for 2010. Its going to be an exciting & eventful year.
I hope the Thanksgiving holiday found you all well. It found me as it usually does, blessed & thankful. The reminder at holiday times of loved ones we've lost leaves a tinge of sadness, but renews appreciation for those still in our midst.
Black Friday found me with a new $40 pre-lit Christmas tree (yay!) that will be going up in the house tonight. I'll be sure to post pictures soon!
I'll conclude with a few pictures of inspiration I found trolling the blogs random nights during my externships... (hm, I can't figure out how to make the picture go at the bottom. Formatting tips, anyone?) Anyway, LOVE that WINDOW. Need to find one of those. NEED. haha :)